Posts in Blog
Effective Salespeople Act Like Coaches

Before becoming a coach, I was in sales. Over 15 years of experimenting with different sales approaches taught me a lot about what to do and what NOT to do. Looking back at those days, I realize that most of the things that worked in sales are fundamental coaching competencies.


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BlogAmanda Norwood
Stillness vs. Running

During coaching sessions, I have seen a lot of the same rushing and urgency. It is a trait of many performance-driven people because the behavior serves them well and helps propel them forward to success. However, this is not sustainable because the whole self is not being nourished; the soul is going hungry.

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BlogAmanda NorwoodComment
Details are Everything

Make details the differentiator between you and your competition. It’s the absolute best way to make sure your customer doesn’t get tempted by a cheaper product or service somewhere else. Add value by doing more than the competition, not by dropping your price. 


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BlogAmanda NorwoodComment
Time is Money

Since starting my company in January, I realized very quickly that time management was going to be the biggest challenge. I’m working from home which comes with a dizzying array of distractions.

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BlogAmanda Norwood